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Volunteers Needed!
It's that time again—we're looking forward to some normalcy in the planning of our Dine-out Night at Culver's and we need your help!!
We are looking for six (6) volunteers during each time-slot (4p-5p, 5p-6p, 6p-7p, and 7p-8p). We are asking that all volunteers wear a mask and bring their own hat (due to COVID - Culver's will not be supplying hats this year).
In the sign-up—please indicate the grade level of your student; we kindly request that if you have a student K-2, you have an adult remain with them during their volunteer time at Culver's.
Additionally, Culver's respectfully requests that all participants park their cars in the Sherman Williams parking lot—utilizing the western most spaces (nearest to Route 47).